Custom T-shirts
Let's face it, Trying to figure out which St. Louis T-shirt printing company to use on your next upcoming event can be extremely time consuming to say the least. What separates one from the other? I can't speak for everyone in the St. Louis screen printing and embroidery industry, but when it comes to acquiring custom T-shirts, we have a consistent approach regardless of the size of the order or the dollar amount being spent.Here are a few things that you should consider before you make your decision regarding which tee shirt company you want to work with. First we recommend that you compare the pricing from at least three or four St. Louis custom T-shirt providers. Make sure that each quote is referencing the same exact item.Unless otherwise specified, our quote usually involves a 6 ounce preshrunk cotton tee shirt. The fact that it is preshrunk does not mean that it is not going to shrink. It just means that it is going to shrink less. Do not take it for granted that this is what all your competitive bids include. All T-shirts are not created equal and some are better than others. A 6 ounce preshrunk cotton garment is what is considered by industry standards to be an excellent weight. We always recommend that if you're not exactly sure what the size breakdown is that you are going to need, that you always error on the side of larger, rather than smaller. Most people don't mind if a garment is a little bit loose fitting, but do not like it if the garment is restrictive. Make sure everybody involved in the bid process is referencing the same exact item. The least expensive price is not always the best overall value.We would strongly recommend that you pick up the phone and call each one being considered. Did they actually answer their phone or did you get a voice mail? If you left a message, was your call returned in a timely manner? Here is something to consider. If you are a perspective customer and your call was not returned or was not returned promptly, then why would you expect to be able to get in touch with them once they already have your down payment and the order is underway? Another question to ask is how long have they been in business? If a company is charging you a one-time setup fee and six months to a year later, they're out of business then how was that one time set up going to be of any benefit? You will just have to pay it over again the next time you're needing more T-shirts.
Let's face it, the lowest price is not always the best overall value.
We take great pride in catering to the St.Louis T-shirt printing requirements of this great city.